
It wasn’t long after I had begun creating these products that I realized it was not so much about making any particular “product” (a word I struggle with) but more about following a calling of soulwork and one of a shamanic nature, which, honestly, was a challenge for my colonial guilty conscience to accept. I know I am not alone in this, so many people are heeding a deeper calling, transitioning their lives to do something that has a more soulful purpose, in line with their authentic selves. For me, it was about bringing it all closer to source, about connection, learning, understanding, knowing, integrity and authenticity. Not only was it about being in intimate relationship with the whole ecosystem within which I grew or harvested but that I was also minimizing my “environmental impact” with truly local artisan style of production. I sourced the ingredients myself, respectfully, consciously growing (herein becoming a Seed Saver), cultivating, harvesting, drying and infusing the plants, and while doing so, was deepening my connection with the ecology, biology and health. I also believe, as is the First Nations perspective, that the effectiveness of a medicine is a result of this energy and intention put in, perceived and made use of it as medicine from each of the organisms given to create it.


Having taken time away from the troubled education system and to be more available for my parents, I found myself spending even more time in my garden and the woods for my own centering. It became like a restorative meditation, feeling more than ever connected to the life surrounding me, with its innate balance and integral purpose. The continual sense of wonder and awe I have in the natural world is like a balm to the anxiousness I feel with the frenetic demands of our stressful lives. The more I learn about the science and relationship of organisms in the natural world, the more sacred it all seems and the more compelled I am to continue sharing this remembering of our ancestral knowledge

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